Dates and Times
Sat 03 May @ 5:15pm in Squeak
Sun 04 May @ 5:15pm in Squeak
Mon 05 May @ 5:15pm in Squeak
Aoife is in A&E... again. But the jazzy-nails-receptionist doesn’t need to know that. Doctors won’t listen and the charity challenge facebook group is popping off. The actor doesn’t want to perform a panic attack, the writer’s going on strike, and the director would rather do a DJ set. How the f*ck do you “correctly” stage a show about anxiety?
Skin and Blister Theatre return to the Brighton Fringe after their debut show, Hold Me Close, four long years ago... Although they had a banging title, every single draft brought different problems and new headaches. Ella McCallum stars as Aoife, but also as herself, and also as an actor playing themselves, and also as Aoife playing herself, and…. can you see why it’s taken so long?! A one-person show* and an exhuming of our ideas graveyard, Don’t Let Me Die Before Sunday has reached its final form. Finally. Our mental health dramatised for your pleasure.
Running time: 60min
Suitable for Age 16+
Warnings: Strong Language, Flashing Lights, Loud Noises, Depictions and Discussions of Mental Illness
SWLondoner, for Don’t Let Me Die Before Sunday
“I was immersed into Aoife’s world of chaos, which saw me laugh out loud at times and then [...] be left sharing her anger and disillusionment towards the health system.”
London Pub Theatres, for Don’t Let Me Die Before Sunday
‘An engaging story that will speak to anyone who has experienced anxiety, and allow those who haven’t to empathise with those who have.’
Broadway Baby, for Hold Me Close
‘A show that’s bound to make you laugh, bring a smile to your face, and possibly a tear or two.'
Broadway Baby, for Hold Me Close
‘It was comical, at times chaotic (and I mean that in the best way) emotional, and a joy to watch.'
A Younger Theatre, for Hold Me Close
“I burst out laughing”
Written by Elspeth McColl
Directed by DArcy Brown
Presented by Skin and Blister
Ella McCallum as Aoife