Event Information

The Man who was Thursday
A new anarchic comedy based on the classic metaphysical thriller by G. K. Chesterton.

Ticket sales will end on May. 16, 08:15 PM local time.

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

No exchange


Dates and Times:

Preview 08 May @ 8pm in Bubble
13 - 17 May @ 8pm in Bubble


Rosamund Gregory is recruited by a secret police organisation to sabotage the group of anarchists responsible for destroying her home in a random explosive attack. However, upon infiltrating the anarchists, she discovers that she is not the only undercover agent seeking revenge from the inside. What follows is a wild goose chase from London to Brighton and back again as Rosamund attempts to confront Sunday, the leader of the anarchists.
This is the debut of the first-ever stage adaptation of G.K. Chesterton’s classic metaphysical comedy thriller, written and directed by Samuel Masters.
The show is presented by The Department of Ulterior Motives (DUM), a new Brighton based theatre company specialising in innovative adaptations of classic literature.


Running time: 75min

Suitable for Age 15+

Warnings: Loud Noises, Comic Violence, references to acts of political violence.



For A Matter of Life and Debt, written/co-directed by Samuel Masters, Relish Theatre
★★★★ Ed Fringe Review

‘I couldn’t tear my eyes away... one of the best absurdist plays I’ve ever seen!’

★★★★ The Scotsman
‘Hyper Imaginative, Highly Original!’

For The Real Inspector Hound, directed by Samuel Masters, Brighton Little Theatre

Highly Recommended Show - Fringe Review
‘He has managed some theatrical coups in this production… Masters is one to watch’



Written and Directed by Samuel Masters
Produced by Samuel Masters and Jo Gatford

Presented by The Department of Ulterior Motives


Esther Dracott as Rosamund Gregory
Michael Grant as Gabriel Syme
Phaedra Danelli as Tuesday
Aaron Coomer as Wednesday
Mimi Goddard as Friday
Andrew Bird as Saturday
Bill Griffiths as Sunday

CREW: Samuel Masters, Jo Gatford & Morgan Corby

Company website: www.ulteriormotivesdepartment.com




Event Flyer